Mississippi Ghosts

inspired by the music of the almighty Down; bigger && stock credits here
haven't done it in a long time, so here it goes, some recommendations:
music: Dax Riggs. The man behind the great Acid Bath. After their end, he had two other bands, Agents of Oblivion (awesome!) and Deadboy and the Elephantman (haven't check this one yet), and then went solo. So far, two albuns, easily among the best i found recently: We Sing Only of Blood or Love and If This Is Hell, Then I'm Lucky (recorded originally with Deadboy, but released only this year, under his name);
movies: Mark Of The Devil and Let Sleeping Corpses Lie; this last one is probably one of the best zombie movies ever made. They may be not as ugly and decaying as the ones from Night or Dawn Of The Dead, the movie itself may be not as bloody and fucked up as Braindead or Evil Dead, but some of its (darkest) scenes scared me to death and, of course, made me love zombies even more. Also, the (very unknown) actors did a pretty good work on it!
Mark of the Devil is probably the most brutal, cruel and raw movie i've seen lately. It takes place in the 17th century, and follows the story of a witchfinder apprentice and his master. The torture scenes are incredible and it gives you a great ideia about how things worked at that time between the religious ones and the (not always) witches.
and yeah, that's it for now xxx
listening: Dax Riggs
Labels: artwork, movies, music, photomanipulation
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